FEBRUARY 7, 2019
7:00 P.M.


NOTE: Due to schedule conflicts of some BOC members the WORK SESSION which is normally scheduled prior to each BOC meeting has been cancelled for this date. However, the BOC meeting will occur as normal at 7:00 P.M.

1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s)
A. Item 10A
B. Item 10B
C. Item 10C

6. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Police Department
B. Fire Department
C. Public Works

9. Consent Agenda (Any Item May be Removed for Individual Consideration)
A. Minutes from the January 3, 2019 Board of Commissioners Meeting
B. Minutes from the January 17, 2019 Board of Commissioners Workshop

10. Old Business
A. Ordinance 2018-24, An Ordinance to Amend the City of Fairview Zoning Ordinance by Changing the Official Zoning Map for Tax Map 22, Parcel 130.02, Consisting of 2 Acres, Located on Sweetbriar Road, From a RS-40 (Low-Density Residential) Zoning District to a R-20 (Medium-Density Residential) Zoning District, owner: James P. Caldwell, Jr.
B. Ordinance 2018-25, An Ordinance to Amend the City of Fairview Zoning Ordinance by Changing the Official Zoning Map for Tax Map 22, Parcel 145.01, Consisting of 1 Acre, Located at 7605 Herlie Lane, From a RS-40 (Low-Density Residential) Zoning District to a R-20 (Medium-Density Residential) Zoning District, owners: Mark and Linda Williams
C. Ordinance 2018-26, An Ordinance to Amend the City of Fairview Zoning Ordinance by Changing the Official Zoning Map for Tax Map 043, Parcel 23.00, Consisting of 111 Acres, Located on Cox Pike, From a RS-40 (Low-Density Residential) Zoning District to a R-20 PUD (Medium-Density Residential Planned Unit Development) Zoning District with 141 Proposed Lots, applicant: Tony Cavender

11. New Business
A. Ordinance 2019-02, An Ordinance to Revise the Fund Balance Policy for the City of Fairview (repeal Ordinance 852 and Resolution 17-14)
B. Ordinance 2019-03, An Ordinance Amending the City’s Reserve Fund Requirement
C. Ordinance 2019-04, An Ordinance Amending the City of Fairview Municipal Code and Authorizing the City of Fairview’s Codes Official as a Special Police Officer with Summons Authority
D. Ordinance 2019-05, An Ordinance to Amend Section 14-104.3 of the City of Fairview’s Zoning Ordinance, Board of Zoning Appeals, Membership
E. Resolution 03-19, A Resolution of the City of Fairview Board of Commissioners Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Motorola Lease Purchase Documents Relating to the City’s Public Safety Radio System
F. Pyro Shows Contract

12. Communications from the Mayor and Commissioners
A. Commissioner
B. Commissioner
C. Commissioner
D. Vice Mayor
E. Mayor

13. Adjourn to Executive Session

14. Adjournment



This entire Agenda and all the attached documents for the Board of Commissioners meeting for the date noted herein is a draft and subject to change in accordance with the City Charter, State Statutes, and applicable City Ordinance(s) through the date the Board of Commissioners Meeting is conducted.

Any matters that may be added to the agenda after this posting or the night of the actual meeting will not be included in this posting. It is anticipated such matters will be held to a minimum but the City reserves the absolute right to add any item to the Agenda in accordance with applicable Statutes and or Ordinances.