JULY 18, 2019
6:00 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Beer Violations
A. Flash Market, 1425 Highway 96
B. Flying J, 1420 Highway 96
C. Dollar General, 2391 Fairview Boulevard
D. Fred’s, 2415 Fairview Boulevard

4. Prayer and Pledge

5. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

6. Public Hearing(s)

7. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

8. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions

9. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. City Manager
B. City Attorney

10. Consent Agenda (Any Item May be Removed for Individual Consideration)
A. Minutes from the July 11, 2019, Board of Commissioners Meeting
B. Minutes from the July 11, 2019, Board of Commissioners Work Session

10. Old Business

11. New Business
A. Resolution 22-19, A Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing on the Proposed Annexation of Territory into the City of Fairview by Owner Consent and Approving a Plan of Services, Map 69, Parcels 7.00 & 8.00, Owner: Hazel T. Jones, Agent: Brenda Russell
B. Resolution 23-19, A Resolution Authorizing the Fire Department of Fairview, Tennessee to Participate in Public Entity Partners “Safety Partners” Matching Grant Program
C. Ordinance 2019-17, Revised Fee Schedule
D. Resolution 24-19, A Resolution of the City of Fairview Accepting the Lowest Bid for Resurfacing Henry Road

12. Communications from the Mayor and Commissioners
A. Commissioner
B. Commissioner
C. Commissioner
D. Vice Mayor
E. Mayor

13. Adjournment



This entire Agenda and all the attached documents for the Board of Commissioners meeting for the date noted herein is a draft and subject to change in accordance with the City Charter, State Statutes, and applicable City Ordinance(s) through the date the Board of Commissioners Meeting is conducted.

Any matters that may be added to the agenda after this posting or the night of the actual meeting will not be included in this posting. It is anticipated such matters will be held to a minimum but the City reserves the absolute right to add any item to the Agenda in accordance with applicable Statutes and or Ordinances.