Tuesday, 02 June 2015
7:00 pm


1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Agenda

4. Approval of Minutes
4.1. Approval of minutes for monthly meeting 05 May 2015.

5. Old Business
5.1. Mapco Property Mapco Property noncompliance – Follow-up on landscape compliance. (FHumber)
5.2. Walmart Landscape – Follow-up on landscape compliance (required inspection by City Arborist). (FHumber)
5.3. Update on the Road Scapes project on Hwy 100 and Hwy 96 junction in Fairview. (FHumber and MBerkley)
5.4. Official City Shrub list – Follow-up from recommendation to BOC to exclude TNEPPC invasive exotics (JWoodall); review invasive exotic plant list and review of top 20 shrubs to recommend (MBerkley)
5.5. Review and provide additional details and information on recommendations sent to the BOC from the April 2015 Tree Commission meeting. Updates are deferred to JULY 2015 meeting.
5.6. Reminder of upcoming term expirations: JCannon, JWoodall on 30 June 2015 – these persons will need to be in attendance at the 04 June 2015 BOC Meeting.

6. New Business
6.1. Requirements for recommendations to the BOC that an officer of the commission group be present to present the ideas and respond to any questions the BOC may have. (JWoodall)
6.2. Review of Title 13, Chapter 4, Section 13. Special review to be given to responsibilities in Section 404 (3), page 13-14, the Tree Commission is tasked “To compose and annually review a community tree plan that shall include but not be limited to such elements as an authorized tree specimen list; a tree protection plan, including a tree replacement schedule; and a city tree bank.” (See 5.6 above) Appendix-item D provides: “Community Tree Plan – To Be Developed.” (Location of Appendix D of the Tree Board Ordinance (referenced in the ordinance) – deferred to the April 2015 meeting. (Note: Appendix D refers to the “Community Tree Plan” noted in the footnote of the Ordinance is ‘To Be Developed.’ “Community tree plan” shall mean written documents that guide the work of the tree commission.”) (ALL)

7. Update on Tree Bank Funds. (WHall)

8. Citizen Comments

9. Adjournment: (The next Tree Commission Meeting date – 07 July 2015.)