NOTE: BOC work session beginning at 5:00 p.m. to discuss the fiscal year 2021 budget.

MAY 7, 2020
7:00 P.M.


1. Roll Call

2. Call to Order

3. Prayer and Pledge

4. Approval of Agenda and Executive Session Announcements

5. Public Hearing(s)

6. Citizen Comments (Limited to the first 5 citizens to sign in and a limit of 3 minutes each)

7. Public Announcements, Awards and Recognitions

8. Staff Comments and Monthly Reports
A. Police Report
B. Fire Report
C. Public Works Report
D. City Manager Report

9. Consent Agenda (Any Item May be Removed for Individual Consideration)
A. Minutes from the April 16, 2020, Board of Commissioners Meeting
B. Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 2020-04, Municipal Code Amendment for Requirements for the Elected Court Clerk
C. Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 2020-05, Municipal Code Amendment for Municipal Court Judge Qualifications
D. Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 2020-06, Municipal Code Amendment to Re-order Code Sections Related to Municipal Court Judge Compensation
E. Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 2020-07, Municipal Code Amendment to establish an Individual Code Section for Court Records
F. Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 2020-08, Municipal Code Amendment to establish an Individual Code Section for Court Dockets
G. Second and Final Reading of Ordinance 2020-09, An Ordinance to Amend Title 11, Chapter 8, Section 11-805, of the City of Fairview Municipal Code (Wearing Masks)

10. Old Business

11. New Business
A. Resolution 10-20, A Resolution on Utilizing Funds Allocated by State of Tennessee for Local Government Finance Grants
B. Resolution 11-20, A Resolution Requesting the Fairview, Tennessee Municipal Election be Held in Conjunction with the November 3, 2020, Presidential Election
C. Contract with ELS for Independence Day Celebration
D. Ordinance 2020-10, An Ordinance to Amending the City of Fairview’s Reserve Fund Outlined in the City’s Fund Balance Policy
E. Ordinance 2020-11, An Ordinance of the City of Fairview, Tennessee, Adopting the Budget and Tax Rate for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2020, and Ending June 30, 2021
F. Expiring Board Seats

12. Communications from the Mayor and Commissioners
A. Commissioner
B. Commissioner
C. Commissioner
D. Vice Mayor
E. Mayor

13. Adjournment



This entire Agenda and all the attached documents for the Board of Commissioners meeting for the date noted herein is a draft and subject to change in accordance with the City Charter, State Statutes, and applicable City Ordinance(s) through the date the Board of Commissioners Meeting is conducted.

Any matters that may be added to the agenda after this posting or the night of the actual meeting will not be included in this posting. It is anticipated such matters will be held to a minimum but the City reserves the absolute right to add any item to the Agenda in accordance with applicable Statutes and or Ordinances.